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Kiyoh & Klantenvertellen Lightspeed

Click here for a Dutch instructional video.

Configuring your Kiyoh & Klantenvertellen Lightspeed module

1. Skip to step 3 if you don't have the old app
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In your Lightspeed dashboard navigate to Apps -> "Aangekochte apps"

2. Uninstall the old app
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Use the black arrow to slide open the app details and choose "App annuleren"

3. Get your location id
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Log into your Kiyoh account and navigate to: invite -> extra options -> invite link.

4. Get your api/hash
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You can find this on the same page as the previous step.

5. Find the app in the App Store
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Navigate to "App Store" in your dashboard and use the search feature at the top of the page to find the Kiyoh app.

6. Install the app
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Click the app and install it.

7. Verify your credentials
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Login with your Lightspeed account

8. Grant access
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Continue by granding the app access to your store.

9. Server choice
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Choose Kiyoh or Klantenvertellen based on your account.

10. Hash
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Enter here your earlier retrieved hash/api key.

11. Location id
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Enter here your earlier retrieved location id (yellow marked part of the invite link).

12. Event
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Which order status should trigger the scheduling of the review invite? Make sure your orders actually hit this status.

13. Delay
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How long should Kiyoh wait (in days) after your chosen order status trigger (next step), before sending the review invite?

14. Inject Rewiews Widget
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Enable or disable the review score rich snippets. Note: google currently won't show these as stars in the search results.

15. Default Widget
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If you choose the standard widget you can choose the location of the widget by setting a div class. And the text of the widget by using the variables {rating}, {maxrating} and {reviews_count}.

16. Custom iframe widget
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If you choose the custom iframe widget you can past here the widget snippet from your Kiyoh account (dashboard -> publication -> widget). And the location on your page by setting the horizontal and vertical placement.