Click here for a Dutch instructional video.
In your Lightspeed dashboard navigate to Apps -> "Aangekochte apps"
Use the black arrow to slide open the app details and choose "App annuleren"
Log into your Kiyoh account and navigate to: invite -> extra options -> invite link.
You can find this on the same page as the previous step.
Navigate to "App Store" in your dashboard and use the search feature at the top of the page to find the Kiyoh app.
Click the app and install it.
Login with your Lightspeed account
Continue by granding the app access to your store.
Choose Kiyoh or Klantenvertellen based on your account.
Enter here your earlier retrieved hash/api key.
Enter here your earlier retrieved location id (yellow marked part of the invite link).
Which order status should trigger the scheduling of the review invite? Make sure your orders actually hit this status.
How long should Kiyoh wait (in days) after your chosen order status trigger (next step), before sending the review invite?
Enable or disable the review score rich snippets. Note: google currently won't show these as stars in the search results.
If you choose the standard widget you can choose the location of the widget by setting a div class. And the text of the widget by using the variables {rating}, {maxrating} and {reviews_count}.
If you choose the custom iframe widget you can past here the widget snippet from your Kiyoh account (dashboard -> publication -> widget). And the location on your page by setting the horizontal and vertical placement.